Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The question we all ask ourselves: Why?

It's almost been a week since that horrifying shooting. The innocent lives lost. The mothers and fathers without their children. The kids without their friends, without teachers. The list goes on. Newtown, Connecticut will forever be remembered by Sandy Hook Elementary. It's a day most of us will never forget. The worst mass shooting in Elementary School history. As I type that sentence, I can't help but ask myself why? Why the kids? Why, why, why?

It's an event we can't fathom. We don't understand. Yet, it's real. As a journalist-- we try to give the public facts. We grieve and we cry. One day we may even know why. But, does that really give us the answer?

As I watched Breaking News coverage, I just sat in my living room. I didn't say anything. I read twitter and Facebook and other online sites. The anger, fear, sadness felt by many across this nation.

I heard people upset over the wrong facts that were initially reported. People upset over reporting the suspects name. Everyone has an opinion. I'm disappointed that the facts were wrong, initially. If all of us are asking the question why.. then why don't people want to know about the shooter?

Yes, I want to know about the children, the victims, those teachers. I want to know who they were.

I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be going with this. Everyone will always question the way journalists report something. They didn't do this, they didn't do that. Every station is trying to be first. I definitely think this unfortunate situation will change the media. We have to learn from our mistakes. We have to listen to viewers. If we don't, viewership will stop. No one will listen to us. Right now, every citizen can consider themselves a journalist.

Every car accident, every shooting, every fire.. is this news? Where are we supposed to draw the line?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pinterest: My Holiday Obsession

Today on WAAY TV:

I'll introduce you to my world of Pinterest. Follow me here:

Pinterest during the holidays is probably one of the greatest creations, at least for DIY recipes and crafts.

I found this wreath and fell in love with it!

I must say-- I'm not the craftiest person in the world. I get frustrated easy and bored. But-- I decided to tackle the craft.

I found the instructions here:

Deco Mesh was super hard to find. I couldn't find it in any holiday colors but I found silver and gold.. So I'll make it work. I found some cute little ornaments and decorative ideas to place on the wreath. This wreath is really poofy.. and poofy isn't really my thing. So-- I made mine a little flatter. But-- I think it turned out well.

This is one Pinterest find that I highly recommend. It didn't take me but 20-30 minutes to actually make. I'll post final pictures tonight!

Happy Pinning!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Why are kids so mean?

I did a story back in Chattanooga about a High School girl with cancer. I'm going to call her "Dana" in this blog because I don't want to reveal her name without her permission. Anyways, Dana was a sweetheart. Unfortunately, (for me anyway) I never had the opportunity to meet her. I had to anchor the 7pm news the day her story was to air and well, we had to send a photographer. I remember going through the footage and editing the story and just thinking how amazing this girl was. A high school girl with cancer.. I can't imagine. I can't imagine going through cancer in general but especially high school. High School is hard enough as it is.

So anyway, her grandmother sent me this post on Facebook recently:

thankful today that "Dana's" teammates all have her back, when the student fans from Oliver Spring were making fun of her and calling her a boy, saying ugly things to her on the court, they stood up for her. Not the way I wished for her season to start, but so thankful she was able to play. She has been blessed with some coaches who love her no matter what and teammates, she considers her dearest friends.

I can't tell you how angry this made me. This poor girl is struggling for her life and you have audacity to make fun of her? I just don't understand why kids are so mean. The bullying, the name calling it's got to stop. I was always made fun of as a kid. I wasn't pretty, I was short, I had a squeaky voice.. the list goes on. I was strong enough to brush it off (for the most part) but not everyone is. I know Dana is strong enough to brush it off but it doesn't mean this should happen. 

I'm happy Dana has great friends to stick up for her and fight for her when she can't. But, I'm just angry. I can't help it. If it was my way we would all go to her next game and hold signs for her. No one deserves to be treated this way.. No one. 

Monday, October 29, 2012

New Job, New City

Well.. I'm almost finally settled in here in Huntsville.

I must admit.. I basically just threw all our boxes into the guest room! But, it will do for now.

But, now comes my worst nightmare yet most exciting dream. I get to start all over and decorate my house. Some days I think it's the biggest pain.. others.. I think it's so exciting. Maybe I think it would be more exciting if I had an unlimited budget. Alas, I don't. Not even close.

So.. insert Pinterest. It really helps me gather my ideas and keep track of them. You can follow my board of new home decoration ideas here:

As a journalist, one of the hardest parts of moving is getting acclimated to a new city. Figuring out where things are, making new contacts, etc. So, as I figure out that part I must say this city is beautiful. The leaves are such rich, brilliant colors right now. The mountains are so beautiful.

Anyway.. I have a huge list of restaurants to eat at here! Feel free to add anything you think we should see or do!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Can't Leave Chattanooga Without Doing....

Ok, here's the start of the list. I'm expecting it to grow as you all give me ideas! I've done a lot of "touristy" things here but there is a ton I haven't done as well. Give me all the ideas you have!

Warning: I work the next 9 days in a row and I only have 11 here left. It's going to fly by but I'm going to make the most of it. Not sure I'll accomplish much of my list but I will try.

Here it goes:

1. Eat at Aretha Frankenstein's one last time.
2. Visit Snoopers Rock at Prentice Cooper State Park ( Thanks to @garit1 on Twitter for the recommendation)
3. Play Disc Golf at the new course in East Ridge
4. Watch the sunrise over the mountains. (Thanks to @GM533 for the tip)
5.  Go 4 wheeling in the mountains
6.  Go horseback riding in the mountains (Ok, Jonquil! We must do this now)
7. Take a trip with the Chattanooga Ducks!  (Good idea, Heather)
8. Ok, Ok people.. I'll eat a Krystal burger.
9. Take pictures of downtown, Main Street, and anywhere and everywhere else. ( I have a love for photography and want to capture the beauty of this city. Any suggestions where to go?)
10. Lunch at the Perfect Cup in Dalton one last time (The North of Heaven smoothie is AMAZING)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Embarking on a New Journey

Hey All,

I have an important announcement to make.

I am starting my final 2 weeks at WDEF today. I accepted a position in Huntsville, Alabama at WAAY as an Anchor/Reporter.

Finding the words to explain my feelings seems impossible. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here in Chattanooga and Dalton. As I look back at this incredibly journey, I've learned more than I could have ever imagined. I've met and worked with some of the most amazing people, covered some of the most fascinating stories, and grown as a person and a journalist.

Most of all, I've had the support from our viewers. The emails, Facebook messages, and Tweets have encouraged me throughout these past 2 years. I feel like I have a huge extended family now. Thank you for that.

For the past 2 years I have called Chattanooga home. I'll miss this city. I've grown very attached to everything about it. Nonetheless, it's time for a change.

I look forward to staying in touch with each and everyone of you. Always feel free to say hi!

Thank you for everything Chattanooga!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Can I cry yet??

Ok.. This is a subject most people in Chattanooga probably don't care about. But, it's an important one to me so you'll just have to deal.

This hockey lockout is killing me!!!

For those of you who don't know the collective bargaining agreement has ended.. For now, there is no hockey. The players say they want to play.. the owners.. well.. the owners say they want more moola. Hockey is my life. Aside from my job, my wonderful family, friends, and boyfriend. My parents bought me a Slingbox for Christmas last year just so I could watch EVERY SINGLE GAME!!!

When I was in high school I painted my room (much to my mother's dismay) silver and blue. Yes, I am that much of a Tampa Bay Lightning FREAK! My awesome brother painted the Tampa Bay Lightning logo on one of the walls. It was my heaven. It was the perfect place for all my hockey pucks, Vincent Lecavalier jerseys, plus all the other memorabilia I have. I worked at a hockey rink all through high school and most of college. My life was hockey.. it still is just in a different aspect.

For my birthday this year my whole family came together for a wonderful night of Tampa Bay Lightning hockey. It was the perfect gift. I went to an Atlanta Thrashers (WHO?) vs TBL game when I moved to Dalton. Why I applaud them moving back to Winnipeg is a different story that results from that experience.

What football is to most people, hockey is to me. I yell at the tv and jump up and down when we score a goal. I think everyone of my neighbors thinks I'm crazy. Some of my friends do too. Heck, I think my boyfriend thinks I'm nuts because of it. ( 5 1/2 years later I think he's used to it.) But, what am I going to do without my hockey?? I've dealt with this lockout of sorts before. I hate it. It's not a fun time in my life.

I wish people would stop being greedy and just play. Hockey players probably make less than any of the professional sports. It's not fair.. I can argue this and I will but not here.

Even if you don't care about hockey.. watch this video. Tampa Bay Lightning coach Guy Boucher "throwing" the first pitch at the Tampa Bay Rays game. I truly hope this isn't the only hockey I get this year. Withdraw doesn't make anyone a nice person.

This is a Christmas gift I received last year. Vincent Lecavalier doll. OBSESSED!

 The new St. Pete Times Forum.

 All decked out in Tampa Bay Lightning gear outside of CNN!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Just Hangin' Around

All Summer long on Prime News we've showcased some great places to get a little "crazy" in Chattanooga. From sky diving to an aerial class. Needless to say, I don't think there was one thing I wouldn't try. I'm all about new things and I think we should all venture out of our little boxes now and then.

With that said, I tried my first aerial class. I'm a former cheerleader and dancer so I didn't have a lot of reservations about this class. But, I must admit I was intimidated by the silks. They look like super long ribbons hanging from the ceiling. You can see a lot of aerial stuff in Cirque Du Soleil and things like it. They had a couple using silks on America's Got Talent this season.

With a small group of us from Channel 12 we headed to Chattanooga Aerials. The studio also serves as a dance company. It's an awesome building! Anywho, we did a short warm up and got right to it. We started on trapeze and then moved our way to the silks. Once you get used to it, it's a blast! I felt like a little kid again. Amy is a great instructor.. and seriously, so is her 7 year old daughter. It felt great to do something active that I actually enjoy. You know.. as much as I love my boot camps.. it's just not as fun as this. You don't feel like you're working out. I did wake up SORE today.. in case anyone is wondering. But, it's a good sore and I'm not going to complain.

What else do you recommend I try here in Chattanooga that's "out of my box?"

Mandy and I posing for the camera in a "star" pose!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bargain Shopper 101

Like I said previously, I'm a huge fan of sales. I love to shop but I rarely have money so I always head to the sale racks.

I recently was at Kohls where I found some great deals.

I've posted a picture of my receipt and items. The cashier kept laughing at me. I had a 20% off coupon, $10 gift card, and $10 in Kohl's cash. Talk about heaven.

I've been eyeing that gray skirt for weeks. It's so cute but I wasn't going to pay $40 for it. Yes, I'm that cheap.. And broke. So this was the perfect time. It was an extra 30% off :) Yay!

Since, I'm a one man band most of the time my outfits have to be comfortable. For those of you who don't know, I carry all of my own equipment. Tripod, camera, and microphone. If I'm going to carry all that I can't wear super high heels or things that move around a lot. It limits my wardrobe but I'd much rather be comfortable!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cute Clothes; Not a Fashionista

I'm not a fashionista by any means. I love clothes. I have 2 closets full.. yes, really. I'm not into "what's in." I really couldn't even tell you what the "cool" things to wear are. I know what I like and I wear it... For the most part. I know (I do watch What Not to Wear) I have to wear things that flatter my body style. Sometimes.. those outfits aren't so flattering on tv. Believe it or not.. some outfits look awful on camera.

I shop cheap! I can't afford designer names so I find myself frequenting Kohl's with their 20% off coupons and Kohl's Cash. I love TJ Maxx and Marshall's. I rarely go to the mall but I bargain shop when I do. I hit every sale rack imaginable and sometimes I come across some great deals.

Fashion has never been my claim to fame. What fame anyway? But, I do try to look professional. Recently, a website I visit started a highly controversial conversation on a  fashion trend in the news world: The Sleeveless News Reporter. And the world stops for just a moment at the thought. All kidding aside.. It's a debatable topic and there are tons of opinions. Do you have tone arms? What kind of story is it? Are you reporting inside or outside? I mean we could honestly debate this fashion trend for hours. I've been under the notion.. If it's serious put that jacket on it. If you're outside, it's hot and you have a fun story then without the jacket is okay. Always wear sleeves in the studio. But, according to a popular TV Agent-- sleeveless are a no, no. The situation doesn't mater. I follow him on Twitter (@TV_Agent) for all of you wondering. He's a successful agent and I do respect his opinion. Hence, why I wore a jacket at my live shot yesterday despite sweating my booty off!

So viewers.. I want to know! What do you think? Sleeveless or sleeves? Does fashion play a role when you watch the news?

Here's an example from yesterday:

(Ignore the red eyes and shiny face. I fixed the shiny face before the live shot and well.. I just don't feel like messing with photoshop.) My Mom and I found this wonderful, versatile black dress at Kohl's for under 10 bucks.. Right mom? She's my fashionista and never hesitates to tell me what looks good and bad.. which I totally appreciate. But, I added a brown belt (Yes, I love black and brown and I don't care if it doesn't "go") and was good to go.

Feedback is much appreciated! This is a highly debated topic in the news field amongst reporters, TV Agents, News Directors, and everyone else. I'd love to know what the viewers think!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Little Fun Behind the Scenes

You're right! That link I posted probably isn't news, it's fun. I understand most of you head to my personal Facebook page or the WDEF Facebook page for news, but please understand that we are humans and enjoy a good story every once and while. News is our lives so when we see a cute/interesting story we want to share.. Yes, whether it's "newsworthy" or not. I guess my biggest concern with this is how often I hear "What happened to the good news?" You want good news.. but we post it on a social media site and we receive such negative complaints. I don't understand.

Enough of my rant and on to my personal opinion.

I love news. I've been out sick for 2 days now and I can't help but watch the competition. I want to know what they're doing and why they're doing it... Something I normally don't get to do unless I DVR their shows. They do things I like and things I don't like but I'm not here to get into specifics. Watching other stations helps me grow as a journalist, who can I learn from. Who's your favorite reporter/anchor here and why? What do you like about them?

I respect the journalists who can tell a good story and be real. We're all humans. There's good and bad and sometimes we need to take a break from the bad. I'm not really "into" politics so to speak but I enjoy election night coverage.. for the most part. But during the Catoosa County runoff.. the competition and I ran into the cast of Small Town Security. I've had the pleasure of meeting them before.. but there's nothing like hanging out with them in person. I really don't care if you like the show or not.. they're good people. And here's where my "opinion" was going..

I love to have fun out in the field. I believe you can do your job and still be you no matter what. Yes, it's harder in my field but you know what.. that's life. If you see me out.. say hi. Feel free to email me, Facebook me, whatever. I'm just like you!

I'll end this sick post with a picture! Sorry if none of this made sense!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's a Rainy Weekend in Chattanooga

Sigh.. I love thunderstorms but hate the rain. It's been nothing but cloudy and rainy today.. and no sign on thunder. Makes for a lazy day. I'm obsessed with the sun so I'm pretty disappointed I can't go lay out at the pool on my day off.

Besides cleaning and laundry.. I'm finding myself on the couch--- being lazy. Granted we really need the rain. I would just prefer it not to be on the weekends :)

So, with that said, I thought I would update with a week in review.

It's been a pretty good week. I've covered some interesting stories.. but one sticks out in my mind.

I consider myself pretty knowledgeable on a lot of subjects. From sports to local politics, I think I know a good deal of info. Friday, I found myself learning about something.. well, I could do without knowing. Bed Bugs. EEEKKKK!

For the second time in about 7 months a motel in East Ridge, TN has bed bugs. Okay, we've all heard the phrase-- "don't let the bed bugs bite" but how many of us really know what they are?

I'll be honest, I knew the bare minimum. So I took to the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department to find out more. Trust me, I learned more than I wanted to. These blood sucking creatures are absolutely disgusting. They can live for a year without a "feeding." A year?!?!?!? They can hide inside little crevices and walls for a whole years without dying? GROSS!!

But, here I am learning all about these things on a Friday night and I become kind of sad. Some viewers on Facebook are asking why is this newsworthy? Well, wouldn't you want to know if some place you were staying was infested with blood sucking insects? I know I would. I really became sad because people are living in these conditions. Some of the rooms at the motel are monthly and weekly rentals. Do these people feel like they no where else to go? Do they know they are there? Are they okay with it? Have complaints been made prior?

All of these are questions I may never get the answers to but it makes me sad. I grew up with great parents and a great family that would never let me live in conditions like that. I am very blessed and I may take that for granted at times.

I try really hard not to let strong emotions get involved when I'm reporting. But, sometimes it's inevitable. I feel every person has the chance and ability to succeed in life. Living in deplorable conditions like this makes me wonder if these people feel the same way too? Do they think they can succeed or deserve to live like this?

News isn't always happy. I wish it was. But, before you judge a story by it's name-- I hope you look a little deeper. Have an open mind and a big heart. Not everyone is as blessed as you are.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why I Do What I Do?

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this question. Let me take you back and give you a little history.

I was a 3rd grader when I was asked if I wanted to help with the Morning Announcements for our school. Of course, I agreed. Starting in 4th or 5th grade I helped anchor the morning announcements. This proceeded through 8th grade. Of course, I was made fun of and teased. But, I enjoyed what I did.

Then came one of those life changing decisions of my life. All through 8th grade I went to school with the same people. The school I was zoned for didn't have a TV production program and I was certain that's what I wanted to do. Keep in mind, we barely had Myspace at this point to keep in touch with friends, let alone Facebook. As a teen I made the choice to go to a school that had a TV production program. I had no friends, I think I knew 2 people in the entire school. My first semester wasn't the best. But, it was the best decision I ever made. I made new friends and learned more in that TV production class than I probably did in college. I anchored and produced our morning announcements (UPC-TV-- google it.. I dare you. You'll find some super old videos of me. Maybe I'll post one.) I'm not ashamed to say I was awful at it. But, it did make me realize.. to go after your dreams. In this class, we produced, shot, edited, ran teleprompter, camera, tape decks (what's a tape?), switcher and whatever else you can think of. Man.. going back.. this was amazing real life experience for me. I was able shadow some anchors at the Tampa ABC affiliate ( I even appeared on air.) I spent a day at the Home Shopping Network. I learned more in those 4 years of high school than many learn in their entire broadcasting career. (If you're reading this.. Thanks Z. You're so appreciated it.)

Next step, College. I won't get into the nitty gritty of my college career-- because well.. who really wants to hear about that? I wasn't allowed to take Broadcast Journalism classes until my Junior year. Hey UCF, please change that. Anyway, the classes were mostly monotonous for me. It like a repeat of all 4 years of high school. LAME. I probably enjoyed 3 or 4 classes the most and they were all taught by the same teacher. (What's up Ms. O?) Let me tell you-- This lady is amazing. She knows her news that's for sure. The one class was an ethics in journalism type class.. I know most of you are laughing at that. I'll ignore. But, she really was passionate about news and I learned a lot from her. Then, the rest were hands of journalism classes.

The last class I took was called Knightly News (Our mascot is a Knight.). We actually produced, wrote, edit, and anchored our stories and newscasts. AMAZING experience. I wish it was more than one class. It truly was awesome. So much goes into a newscast and we, as a team, accomplished so much every week. Not only did we have a great teacher.. we had a great group of people in that class. Seriously.. great people.

Anyway.. the original thought of this blog. Why am I in this business? I live for it. It's my passion and my dream. I'm living it. It may not be what I thought at all times. I may hate it some days. But, my job is real. I tell stories that people can't tell themselves, stories that matter. I meet people every day. Some days people slam a door in my face or hang up the phone on me.. or just plain don't answer my phone calls. But there are questions out there that need answered. This job isn't about being on TV.. that's a perk. It's about finding stories that need told-- getting out in the community. Sure, some days are harder than others. Sure, I'm criticized for the outfit I'm wearing or because I'm blonde. But, if people really look.. inside almost every journalist.. you'll find a person who cares. Inside and outside this business, I have a big heart. I love with all I have and I probably care too much. In some senses, that can hurt me as a journalist. But, it's true and I have nothing to hide.

Yes, I surround myself with crime and murder. That's just the nature of the business. But, who else is going to tell you that someone was murdered next door? Rumors spread quickly, especially here in the South. But, I don't report rumors.. that's not my job. Don't you want to know what officials are doing to find  the suspected killer? Questions like this need answers and I want to find them. When that adrenaline rushes through you when breaking news hits.. there's nothing like it. That's how you know this business is right for you. This business doesn't work for everyone and sometimes those who love it leave. There's a reason for it, but I am not going to get into that here.

I know people think I'm crazy for moving hundreds of miles from home to do this. I've lost friends to do it. (I'm awful at keeping in touch!) I miss birthdays, father's days, mother's days, Christmas's, and Thanksgivings, and countless other family gatherings.  But, it's a passion. What more can I say?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I live my life telling stories in a minute thirty or less. I tell people I'm a little educated on a lot of subjects. I lug around a big camera, tripod, and microphone. People look at me like I'm crazy. They tell me they have no comment, they don't want to be on tv. This is my life, I'm a journalist.

My names Jillian.. the rundown refers to me as JP. Whatever you do, don't call me Jill. I'll answer to about anything else. Aside from my life in news, I enjoy hockey, spending time with my family, friends, and boyfriend. I love to spend time outdoors. I'm always down for new things and learning a new city.

But, for the most part I spend my time inside the studios of WDEF News 12 in Chattanooga, TN. I'm hundreds of miles from "home." If I had a dime for every time I say I'm from Florida and people respond with "what are you doing here?" I'd be rich. But, I'm a journalist and I'm not rich. I do my own makeup, straighten my own hair, and for the most part, shoot, edit, write, my own stories.

Through this blog, I'll share some of my own personal stories. The good, the bad, the ugly. Stay tuned!