Monday, October 29, 2012

New Job, New City

Well.. I'm almost finally settled in here in Huntsville.

I must admit.. I basically just threw all our boxes into the guest room! But, it will do for now.

But, now comes my worst nightmare yet most exciting dream. I get to start all over and decorate my house. Some days I think it's the biggest pain.. others.. I think it's so exciting. Maybe I think it would be more exciting if I had an unlimited budget. Alas, I don't. Not even close.

So.. insert Pinterest. It really helps me gather my ideas and keep track of them. You can follow my board of new home decoration ideas here:

As a journalist, one of the hardest parts of moving is getting acclimated to a new city. Figuring out where things are, making new contacts, etc. So, as I figure out that part I must say this city is beautiful. The leaves are such rich, brilliant colors right now. The mountains are so beautiful.

Anyway.. I have a huge list of restaurants to eat at here! Feel free to add anything you think we should see or do!

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