Sunday, September 23, 2012

Can I cry yet??

Ok.. This is a subject most people in Chattanooga probably don't care about. But, it's an important one to me so you'll just have to deal.

This hockey lockout is killing me!!!

For those of you who don't know the collective bargaining agreement has ended.. For now, there is no hockey. The players say they want to play.. the owners.. well.. the owners say they want more moola. Hockey is my life. Aside from my job, my wonderful family, friends, and boyfriend. My parents bought me a Slingbox for Christmas last year just so I could watch EVERY SINGLE GAME!!!

When I was in high school I painted my room (much to my mother's dismay) silver and blue. Yes, I am that much of a Tampa Bay Lightning FREAK! My awesome brother painted the Tampa Bay Lightning logo on one of the walls. It was my heaven. It was the perfect place for all my hockey pucks, Vincent Lecavalier jerseys, plus all the other memorabilia I have. I worked at a hockey rink all through high school and most of college. My life was hockey.. it still is just in a different aspect.

For my birthday this year my whole family came together for a wonderful night of Tampa Bay Lightning hockey. It was the perfect gift. I went to an Atlanta Thrashers (WHO?) vs TBL game when I moved to Dalton. Why I applaud them moving back to Winnipeg is a different story that results from that experience.

What football is to most people, hockey is to me. I yell at the tv and jump up and down when we score a goal. I think everyone of my neighbors thinks I'm crazy. Some of my friends do too. Heck, I think my boyfriend thinks I'm nuts because of it. ( 5 1/2 years later I think he's used to it.) But, what am I going to do without my hockey?? I've dealt with this lockout of sorts before. I hate it. It's not a fun time in my life.

I wish people would stop being greedy and just play. Hockey players probably make less than any of the professional sports. It's not fair.. I can argue this and I will but not here.

Even if you don't care about hockey.. watch this video. Tampa Bay Lightning coach Guy Boucher "throwing" the first pitch at the Tampa Bay Rays game. I truly hope this isn't the only hockey I get this year. Withdraw doesn't make anyone a nice person.

This is a Christmas gift I received last year. Vincent Lecavalier doll. OBSESSED!

 The new St. Pete Times Forum.

 All decked out in Tampa Bay Lightning gear outside of CNN!!

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