Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Little Fun Behind the Scenes

You're right! That link I posted probably isn't news, it's fun. I understand most of you head to my personal Facebook page or the WDEF Facebook page for news, but please understand that we are humans and enjoy a good story every once and while. News is our lives so when we see a cute/interesting story we want to share.. Yes, whether it's "newsworthy" or not. I guess my biggest concern with this is how often I hear "What happened to the good news?" You want good news.. but we post it on a social media site and we receive such negative complaints. I don't understand.

Enough of my rant and on to my personal opinion.

I love news. I've been out sick for 2 days now and I can't help but watch the competition. I want to know what they're doing and why they're doing it... Something I normally don't get to do unless I DVR their shows. They do things I like and things I don't like but I'm not here to get into specifics. Watching other stations helps me grow as a journalist, who can I learn from. Who's your favorite reporter/anchor here and why? What do you like about them?

I respect the journalists who can tell a good story and be real. We're all humans. There's good and bad and sometimes we need to take a break from the bad. I'm not really "into" politics so to speak but I enjoy election night coverage.. for the most part. But during the Catoosa County runoff.. the competition and I ran into the cast of Small Town Security. I've had the pleasure of meeting them before.. but there's nothing like hanging out with them in person. I really don't care if you like the show or not.. they're good people. And here's where my "opinion" was going..

I love to have fun out in the field. I believe you can do your job and still be you no matter what. Yes, it's harder in my field but you know what.. that's life. If you see me out.. say hi. Feel free to email me, Facebook me, whatever. I'm just like you!

I'll end this sick post with a picture! Sorry if none of this made sense!


  1. Love the picture! I grew up in Ringgold, and have to admitt I watch Small Town Security. :)

  2. Jillian. Thanks for being such a real, honest, person/journalist. Before starting my communications major, I too was one of those people who'd complain about how the news just show bad news. But now that I'm in this communications major, I understand now why you all report what you report.

    I guess when we're just on the outside looking in, we only see our perspective. Thanks for being such a genuine, real person/ journalist/reporter. Keep up your good work and hope you feel better.

  3. Jillian, how did you even wonder.. lol.

    You knew you were my 'homegirl' j/k, Let me say this first, it's a new description tagline that would be good for you, because I would say your a mixture of 'Princess Peach', and Barbara Walters (in her 20/20, gender standard creating days..lol) combined into one, lol....

    How do you like that for a compliment huh!? lol!

    Your professional, driven, and 'rooted' into this,(and like all you will be a part of, in your past or future i'm sure) viewing area, it feels like we had a rose, that grew from concrete here at one point, and now we are just an average everyday sidewalk again, just like before you were arrived, back to being bland,' and not worth our eyes, or attention spans anymore.. (the last part, is my opinion.. just saying, had to add it.)

    Not to mention though, I seen, as all did, what we had, and now what is left, and what that now entails is not either your fault, or news you should hear.. (lol) so, in that we 'know' the value in the one that used to be there as well, and especially now.. plus, we should have acknowledged it more before .. lol :)

    I mean think about the empty and ridiculous standard left behind for the rest of this 'path'..lol. wouldn't you think? lol..

    Self-worth, is sometimes needed to be told, (acceptance is never mandatory) reminded or shown. And so yea, I best describe why, in the form of a poem, in that scenario.. because just like that flower, you came out of nothing, and created an awesome beautiful thing.

    You did change my view personally on reporters, I can say.. as well as set a standard for what I know, can be 'grown' from here on out, period. (You may laugh when you see the author, but the poem, i'll put below.

    It's not like your listening to me anymore anyhow.. I bet you still never went to Krystal's!! (Chattanooga) Just saying!


    Here is my last reason, as to why I selected you in my answer, it's one you had no idea about surely, but for some reason, every time I see a photo (even on TV) of you (like with Joan, and the people of the show above there..) and your smiling in it, I cannot seem to see otherwise for the life of me, but everyone of them seem to not show me your laughing at what your around, and not what your hearing or liking.. for whatever reason that is, lol.. I just say it has helped, and caused me many a laugh.. just so you know.

    I'm not sure why, and I think you may get what I am trying to say here, but whether you understand or not, I laugh every time, you show a photo of yourself smiling like that, and I start to feel like maybe I am not the only one in the world who thinks, or does things like that.. lol!

    (If I am wrong there, from here on out the chanes are, just before a shutter closes on your grinning face, your gonna remember I said that very thing, and have an explosion laughter photo.. just sayin.. Bet! lol! you know you will!)

    Thank you, for being so awesome, and my favorite reporter. Enjoy your deserved success, I say we refrain from the easy questions from here on out, if any come about.. in your blogs huh?! lol.

    “Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's laws wrong, it learned to walk without having feet. Funny, it seems to by keeping it's dreams; it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared.”

    - Tupac Shakur
    'The Rose that Grew from Concrete'

