Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cute Clothes; Not a Fashionista

I'm not a fashionista by any means. I love clothes. I have 2 closets full.. yes, really. I'm not into "what's in." I really couldn't even tell you what the "cool" things to wear are. I know what I like and I wear it... For the most part. I know (I do watch What Not to Wear) I have to wear things that flatter my body style. Sometimes.. those outfits aren't so flattering on tv. Believe it or not.. some outfits look awful on camera.

I shop cheap! I can't afford designer names so I find myself frequenting Kohl's with their 20% off coupons and Kohl's Cash. I love TJ Maxx and Marshall's. I rarely go to the mall but I bargain shop when I do. I hit every sale rack imaginable and sometimes I come across some great deals.

Fashion has never been my claim to fame. What fame anyway? But, I do try to look professional. Recently, a website I visit started a highly controversial conversation on a  fashion trend in the news world: The Sleeveless News Reporter. And the world stops for just a moment at the thought. All kidding aside.. It's a debatable topic and there are tons of opinions. Do you have tone arms? What kind of story is it? Are you reporting inside or outside? I mean we could honestly debate this fashion trend for hours. I've been under the notion.. If it's serious put that jacket on it. If you're outside, it's hot and you have a fun story then without the jacket is okay. Always wear sleeves in the studio. But, according to a popular TV Agent-- sleeveless are a no, no. The situation doesn't mater. I follow him on Twitter (@TV_Agent) for all of you wondering. He's a successful agent and I do respect his opinion. Hence, why I wore a jacket at my live shot yesterday despite sweating my booty off!

So viewers.. I want to know! What do you think? Sleeveless or sleeves? Does fashion play a role when you watch the news?

Here's an example from yesterday:

(Ignore the red eyes and shiny face. I fixed the shiny face before the live shot and well.. I just don't feel like messing with photoshop.) My Mom and I found this wonderful, versatile black dress at Kohl's for under 10 bucks.. Right mom? She's my fashionista and never hesitates to tell me what looks good and bad.. which I totally appreciate. But, I added a brown belt (Yes, I love black and brown and I don't care if it doesn't "go") and was good to go.

Feedback is much appreciated! This is a highly debated topic in the news field amongst reporters, TV Agents, News Directors, and everyone else. I'd love to know what the viewers think!


  1. It's funny, years ago, when I was in another profession, Cosmetology, we had to wear pantyhose to work and never wear sleeveless. Yuck pantyhose! Finally, they changed the dress code, no pantyhose. (Thank goodness!)

    But the sleeveless debate still lingered on. I hated it, the job was in Phoenix hot, hot and hotter! Finally, they let us take the vote to the clients, and what they thought, I was really surprised. A few mentioned, they ewww gross I do not want an armpit their my face. But the majority, wanted the staff to be comfortable in whatever attire and commented we always looked professional sleeves or not.

    The point to my long story is, I'm a plus size girl, and I love sleeveless so tone arms will never be mine (kidding). My real point, I agree with you, wear what makes you feel appropriate at that time. Besides, you always look adorable, debates are debates as long as your comfortable then so be it.

  2. As a viewer I have noticed a lot of reporters, even on the national level, going more casual. I'm not sure I like it. I understand harsh conditions, heat etc, but when it's not breaking-I'm-standing-in-a-hurricane type news I like to see a reporter who is put together. It gives me confidence, even if only in the back of my mind, that the reporter is knows what they are talking about when they have time to take 2 minutes before they go live to dress the part. Fair or not, I don't do research on these stories, and I'm going to trust the reporter who is smart enough to have a go bag and look more professional on-air, than the one who is more casual...and for me sleeveless/ no collar is usually more causal.

    The only time this wouldn't apply is someone who's reputation as a journalist precedes them. The first person that comes to mind is Anderson Cooper. Everybody knows that black t-shirt means business.

    Sorry for the rambling comment, it's an interesting question. I like for my work to stand on its own regardless of what I look like, but when I worked in marketing I learned that you're always making a first impression on someone.

  3. My opinion is this: its a mans world out there regardless of how far women have traveled. A man must wear a jacket and so a woman must as well if her dress/blouse has no sleeves.
    Personally, if it is tasteful and not distracting from the news, it doesn't matter if it has sleeves.
    Maybe some people think the females in the Newsroom may come in looking like a MTV video "stramp" (star/tramp). It may be the fearful that want a jacket. But management that hires so I hope they would screen potential employees better.

    Have a HAPPY day!


  4. I think the jacket looks more professional. However, there are ways around getting out of wearing the jacket, you could wear a light cardigan or short sleeved shirt if you're in heat. I'm I love fashion and to me a jacket sets the outfit off and makes it more professional looking. Just my personal opinion.
