Monday, June 17, 2013

There is good in the world

Yes, I'm a journalist and this just came out of my mouth. Out of all the 100 "negative" stories I cover, I know there are 10x more happy stories.

Recently, a colleague in the business and a former competitor wrote a blog on why we don't cover good news. You should read it.

David is a great journalist and person. He's one of the "old tv." He gets it. Trust me, a lot of people "don't get" the business.

Lets face it. "Good" stories don't generate Facebook clicks or hits on the website. However, that shooting story in your neighborhood received hundreds or thousands.

Trust me, I'm one that loves good stories. I love to see the positive in the world. Almost any chance I get.. I'm jumping at the chance to cover some positive news. Unfortunately, it just doesn't happen as much. Because frankly, you just don't want to hear it. You say you do but at the end of the day.. you just don't.

I do believe there should be "good" news in every newscast. Maybe it should be the last story of the day so we always end on a positive note.


  1. I welcome hearing about positive news stories. I will send you a facebook lin about a good story.

  2. You were going to be who I asked to cover my matter with my Daughter concluding in a good way, but if you would have seen the papers (which if you were still 'local' I guess, I would have already shared them with, now I don't wanna clearly be a bother!) and known just 'how' the matter did close, and seen the finality of it seeming that I was ... 'FINALLY' listened to, then this story would have been a GREAT one, to have had aired, and with a good reason to 'air/share' it being the subliminal 'message' behind the heartwarming aspect of how well it 'turned out' in the end.

    I do think though, with your demeanor Jillian, you can carry any matter across to your viewers or your public, and it get relayed correct. You can speak with a very personable and trustworthy, professional demeanor, and really cannot be read in any other fashion! (Unlike some, who cannot stop their 'sattire' tone, sometimes.. from bleeding through)

    So in my opinion, it depends on who is 'that' news source, and how it is shown, presented, or spoken about.. it has to be delivered in such a manner, only then can we become 'informed' properly I believe. Only then, as we have no doubt in a single detail, because of trust. The integrity of the 'voice' is crucial.

    Now, regarding 'having good news' shared by you all... I feel like there should be no judging of 'good' or 'bad' only relevance, and need to know, and what we are supposed to know, should be what determines priority.

    If 400 stories happen that pertain to things we should know of, then tell us in as best manner you can.. time permitting. (We all know, those afternoon broadcasts have plenty of 'fill-in' time

    I wish there were more individual thinking, with the reporters, and especially their Stations, etc. Because I will say in closing, I DO NOT like, the fact you get the same news cast, on all of our primary stations.. 96% of the time. I know there has to be a desire to be more innovative, and informative. And a mission to somehow 'better' inform your surroundings...

    And that's why.. Jillian, you do so well.


    You CLEARLY have that desire. It bleeds through daily in your extra efforts to be informed, and to stay on top of everything you can.. as well as talk with your 'people' in different manners other than newscasts, like this fantastic blog, your Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    And so for that, I thank you again!

    And so everyone else out there, they can just inform us of the days news, in better priority hopefully, and not someone's perception of it! It's our place to be that judge, and nobody should interfere with what is needed to be known. So I guess, it should be asked of you all more.. why do you not share the 'best news' instead?

    And then, you'd probably ask Jillian, why does no one ever ask me about my newscasts? lol..

    Because I know, and am still sure, that it's always still the best!

    (Sorry it was so long, but I have a reason to be passionate on this one also!! lol)

    -...don't forget, distance aside.. I am still your fan, and friend!
