Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pinterest Overload

Man-- wedding planning is a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute it's so exciting, the next I want to shoot something.

As most of you know, I'm a little obsessed with Pinterest. Ok.. well, maybe I'm a lot obsessed. Either way, it's been a great resource for wedding planning.

I've been thinking a lot about wedding favors lately. Most of them seem so lame. I'm trying to think of something reasonably priced for 100 people but that's useful as well.

Here's a few ideas I've seen that I liked:

Homemade candles with a Thank You note?


Succulents? Really popular right now. But, how useful?

We're having a "love bird" theme, I think. Bird seed in a cute shape?

What favor would you like best?
Want to see more of my wedding ideas? Head to my Pinterest page: Click Here!

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