Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pinterest Overload

Man-- wedding planning is a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute it's so exciting, the next I want to shoot something.

As most of you know, I'm a little obsessed with Pinterest. Ok.. well, maybe I'm a lot obsessed. Either way, it's been a great resource for wedding planning.

I've been thinking a lot about wedding favors lately. Most of them seem so lame. I'm trying to think of something reasonably priced for 100 people but that's useful as well.

Here's a few ideas I've seen that I liked:

Homemade candles with a Thank You note?


Succulents? Really popular right now. But, how useful?

We're having a "love bird" theme, I think. Bird seed in a cute shape?

What favor would you like best?
Want to see more of my wedding ideas? Head to my Pinterest page: Click Here!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Goodbye Lecavalier... Just not for long, k?

For those of you who know me, you know today is a hard day. 

I've been a fan of the Tampa Bay Lightning since the mid 90s. What was I 8?? I remember the good times and the bad. When I was about 10 or 11 there was a handsome 18 year old French Canadian that arrived in Tampa Bay. His name was Vincent Lecavalier. Boy... Was he cute. Forget the Backstreet Boys and Hanson. Move over Jonathan Taylor Thomas. This kid is cute and he plays hockey. Ok, so I may or may not have been quite that dramatic. 

As I grew up.. So did Vinny. I've met him a dozen times or so. He always managed to remember my name. Or at least that's the way I remember it. He was just as cute in person. I think I came up to his hip. Lol! He was so tall, handsome and sweet. 

And yes, I do know he played some good hockey. He was awesome. Pass after pass and goal after goal. He just brought this young life to the Bolts. And we all remember when Vinny fought Jerome Iginla and when the Bolts won the Cup. It was a magical moment for Lightning fans. Many thought that day would never come. 

Vinny meant a lot to me, still does. I wear his signed jersey proudly and always will. Vinny was a class act. The things he did for Tampa Bay will never be forgotten. Check out this article :

You don't find athletes like Vinny in every sport or every team. He's a good person. Tampa will never forget that. 

We all know he doesn't want to leave Tampa. He never did and that's why he's in the situation he's in. It's quite sad. I wish him nothing but the best. But, I do selfishly want him to stay. I can't picture him in another teams sweater. Can anyone?

I really thought he would retire in Tampa. I really did. #4 deserves to be hung up in the rafters and retired. No one can fill those shoes. 

Being a sports lover is hard. Believing in your team isn't always easy. Today-- it's like I'm losing a best friend. Does that sound weird?? Ok, I just re-read it and it does LOL!

But, thanks VL4. Thanks for giving your heart to us. Please keep helping those kids with cancer. They need you. 

Love-- your #1 fan! (Cliche I know :))

Monday, June 24, 2013

Why Hello, New Orleans

Recently, Vincent and I went on a trip to New Orleans, LA. Neither one of us had ever been and we weren't really sure what to expect. All we ever really heard about was the craziness that is Bourbon St.

We arrived into town on a Wednesday. We stayed at the Marriott on Canal St. Amazing hotel! It was in perfect walking distance of everything. My cousin sent us a list of every restaurant we had to try so we set out for our first excursion.

Our first restaurant was Port O' Call. We hear the burgers and baked potatoes were amazing. As we set out, we took in our surroundings. Restaurants and bars everywhere. For a Wednesday, the city was pretty busy. We ended up in a courtyard with some live music. That's our kind of party. We ended up in a neighborhood-like area after that. It was quaint and cute. I kept wondering what the inside of the homes looked like. So, we finally ended up at Port O' Call. Cute little place. You enter and it's very dark. A big pet peeve of mine. I like to see my food when I eat. Anyways, we were seated next to a window. YAY. I felt like I kept trying to kill flies my entire time there though. Big negative. We both ordered burgers and baked potatoes. YUMM!! Delicious. The burger and potato was HUGE! A little on the more expensive side but worth it!

Next, we headed for a famous Hurricane at Pat O'Briens. We are lovers for some live music and were kind of disappointed they didn't have any. But, it was a great time to hang out and talk. Believe what they say, these suckers are dangerous! 

We spent the rest of the evening just walking around town and seeing what's out there. 

The next day we went exploring! 

Found this beautiful church! I was in love with the building. It has a garden area right in front of it. The inside is amazing. Painted ceilings and stained glass! LOVE!

We also found some live music to enjoy! I loved this band! They were absolutely awesome. I love sitting out and enjoying some good music!

Later, we went on a ghost tour. Cost was about $20 per person and lasted about 2 hours. It was pretty good! Didn't see any ghosts but learned a lot!

The amount of entertainment in this city is amazing! I loved this guy! He was tons of fun and really good!

Ahhh yes!!! The ever-so famous beignets from Cafe Beignet. Marvelous! The place was packed but service was quick. Mind you.. all they seem to serve are beignets and coffee. The live music outside was a great addition! This place is just a must-do! 

We also visited a plantation called the Houmas House. By far, one of the best tour of a plantation I've ever been to. The tour guide was dressed in character and really seemed passionate about her job. The owner of this home actually still lives there! COOL! It's obvious he put his heart into really keep this house in tip-top shape and it's character. 

During another tour, we went to the areas that were devastated by Hurricane Katrina. My heart broke. The amount of people that are still struggling to rebuild. I mean, it's awful. My heart really goes out to these people. But, it's also a reminder that we must never forget how powerful Mother Nature actually is. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

There is good in the world

Yes, I'm a journalist and this just came out of my mouth. Out of all the 100 "negative" stories I cover, I know there are 10x more happy stories.

Recently, a colleague in the business and a former competitor wrote a blog on why we don't cover good news. You should read it.

David is a great journalist and person. He's one of the "old tv." He gets it. Trust me, a lot of people "don't get" the business.

Lets face it. "Good" stories don't generate Facebook clicks or hits on the website. However, that shooting story in your neighborhood received hundreds or thousands.

Trust me, I'm one that loves good stories. I love to see the positive in the world. Almost any chance I get.. I'm jumping at the chance to cover some positive news. Unfortunately, it just doesn't happen as much. Because frankly, you just don't want to hear it. You say you do but at the end of the day.. you just don't.

I do believe there should be "good" news in every newscast. Maybe it should be the last story of the day so we always end on a positive note.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Saying yes to a dress

Whoa. What an experience. 

Let me preface by saying I've worn tons of beautiful dresses in my lifetime. I dance for 13 years and I wore tons of tutu's and dressed up like a princess more times then I can count. 

So, trying on dresses was quite the experience. They're all so beautiful. But, a lot of them felt like I was wearing a tutu. It was a strange feeling. 

The whole time I'm expecting tons of tears and this music to appear out of nowhere. Do I watch too much Say Yes to the Dress or what?? 

After a far less than perfect experience at one bridal shop we headed south for more choices. 

The final stop was this cute boutique in Birmingham. They really were all about the experience and knew exactly what they were talking about. 

I think we all knew the last dress I tried on was it! Nothing felt quite like it! I could wear it everyday! Lol! 

So... The planning continues! We now have a venue and I have a dress! 


Monday, June 3, 2013

Week 1: I want to be a runner

Eww... Am I actually saying this?

I'm not a runner, unless I'm playing football. Something I haven't done since I moved to Huntsville... so if you know a place where we can play some co-ed flag football let me know!

I've always wanted to be a runner. I recently spent some time in New Orleans. As we sat on some patios and walked around the safe zone of NOLA... I saw some many people running. Number 1, these people were in killer shape. Number 2, they looked so at peace. I want that.

Therefore, I'm setting out to achieve this goal. I want to love running! Why is that such a daunting task?

Today, I ran a mile. Barely.. but I did it. Tomorrow- I'll try again. Someone save me.. why am I doing this to myself? LOL!