Sunday, January 19, 2014

Here's a promise to myself...


The wedding is about 8 months away and I feel like I've made no progress on getting in shape. It seems like every time I start to get in a workout routine I get sick or something magically gets in my way. 

No more. I'm writing this blog post as a promise to myself. I feel if I commit to updating this blog with my progress, I will HAVE to do it. I can't let people down now, can I?

So, here's my commitment. I will workout at least 3 days a week and I will eat healthy. No more fast food, tons of carbs or dessert. The hardest part will be not eating after 7pm. But, I will do it. 

I can't wait to look great and feel great in my wedding dress!! I'm doing this for ME and no one else. 

Keep me in check people! Share your tips and advice too! I'd love to hear your healthy ways to get in shape!

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