Friday, January 31, 2014

Cross your t's and dot your i's

Yep, I just went there.

My life is generally an organized mess. I have a million things running through my mind at any given moment and I can probably tell you a little bit about a lot. However, through the hundreds of papers in my desk I can probably tell you exactly where that scratch piece of a paper is I doodled an address. Yes, I know I'm crazy.

But, when it comes to the wedding I've tried really hard to be organized. It's one day that takes months of planning and I don't want it to be messed up. I've found The Knot Wedding Organizer to be my bible. Everything you could ever imagine is written in it and it probably has the best timeline checklist I've ever seen. I have a tendency to work a little bit ahead since I'm planning a wedding from out of town. It also has tons of advice. I wouldn't be surprised if by the time the wedding comes around in October.. that the binder is broken because of how often I'm going through it or putting contracts in it. 

I would be so lost as to when to book vendors without it. I'm not one to remember every little detail. I encourage those who give me story ideas to constantly bug me about it because chances are I'm swamped with 10 other things and forgot. This keeps me in check. And.. frankly, gives me the idea to make one for my life. 

Here's a link so you can see what I'm talking about: Wedding Organizer

This next thing is something I wish I would've found 10 months ago. Google seriously has done it again! Is one of the best resources for weddings. WHY did it take me so long to find this? Everything you need. If you're a gmail user like myself then you're really going to LOVE this. It creates Excel-like spreadsheets in Google Drive for anything and everything for your wedding. I'm LOVING the budget creator right now. I can access everything I need all in one place. It doesn't matter what computer I'm on either. 

Another piece of advice: Hire a day-of coordinator. Emily over at is who I'm using and I couldn't be happier. She's always there when I need her no matter what issue I'm having. She's organized and always checking up on me to make sure things are going well. I haven't even met her and I feel like I know her. It's a great resource to make sure you're on the right track to planning your wedding. AND it will keep you from having to do a whole lot on your special day. 

Happy Wedding Planning :)

What's your advice for staying organized?


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