Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Follow your heart; Accomplish your dreams

I'm not one to compliment myself. I have far too many weaknesses for that. I'm my biggest critic and I have lofty goals. 

If you've ever read my bio you know that I've dreamed of being a journalist since 3rd grade. Sure, there were some other far out dreams in there too. At one point I wanted to be a dentist and a vet. I can tell you I would make A LOT more money with those career choices. ;)

I started doing the morning announcements back in 3rd grade. I continued that into middle school and chose to go to a high school with a TV production program. Since 6th grade I've known how to edit video, make graphics, run audio.. and pretty much anything else you can think of. I'm very proud of those accomplishments but I've never shared that. 

I only knew 3 or 4 people when I entered my freshman year of high school. My favorite class: Television Production. It was so much fun. After my first year.. I was moved into TV Production 4 ( I think). It was the class where you produced the morning announcements. Yes, I was that girl on TV my sophomore year of high school. People knew me solely as the "girl on TV." People made fun and cracked jokes.. luckily that stuff doesn't really hurt me. I was having fun and doing something I loved. 

Recently, a friend of mine posted some of those videos on Facebook. Ok... I may now realize why so many people made fun of me. What a funny show. We thought we were so good. But, we were 16, 17 years old. How good can you really be? LOL! Take a look, feel free to poke fun :) 



But, here's the moral of the story. People may make fun of you, think you're not good. They may tell you, you'll never be able to do something. Well, here's the thing: There's always room for improvement. Set you heart on something amazing and go for it. I've been on a 20 year journey to get here. Did I ever really think I would accomplish all I have? I'm not sure.. but, I knew I COULD do it, but only if I kept trying. Do I still have a long ways to go? If I told you I was perfect I would be lying. If I told you I still didn't have goals, what am I doing this for? Journalism isn't easy. It's a tough business with tons of people who are competing for the same job you already have. 

No matter what you chose to do, keep following your heart. It knows best. Dreams are possible to accomplish. I'm living proof :)

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