Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reporter turned furniture flipper?!?

Ok, not really but it's been an adventure lately. 

Buying a house is taxing and you always feel like there's something that needs to be done... Especially when you buy a fixer upper. But honestly, we just can't afford to spend thousands on furniture. 

I'm back at work (Yay) full time and my life has never been crazier. I'm currently producing and I've really been enjoying my time off-air. 

However, I really wish we would've bought a house when I didn't have a job so I had time to do every project! Although, we would've been more broke! lol!

So back to my furniture flipping experience. Mom and I went thrift store shopping one weekend hoping to find a few things. I'm new to this but mom's a pro. (Why is she such a pro at everything?) So, she was able to steer me in the right direction and find all wood furniture. 

Everyone raves about chalk paint and maybe we'll do that some day but for now, we're going the old fashioned way. Sanding, removing pint... All the miserable stuff. 

Here's what we bought! 

The light colored nightstands came from a hotel liquidation warehouse. $40 each. Not the best deal but it was pretty much what I wanted. A drawer and cabinet to hide our crap!

The white chest is from 1949. It says so on the mirror. It came from the Salvation Army for $40, maybe $50. I can't remember. I forgot to take a picture before I started removing the paint but it wasn't pretty even before that lol

We also bought this beautiful table. Someone put the cover on it when it was wet and left all this fuzzy stuff on it. We paid $70 but it was originally priced at $275 from a little thrift store. 

Not pictured. We picked up a teal dresser for the guest room. $30, I think. Silly me forgot the before picture. 

I would say that was a pretty successful trip! To be honest, I doubted myself a lot. Looking at all this furniture in our garage... I just wasn't sure I could do it. I'm not crafty but I was determined. 

Next post... What the finished product looks like! 

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