Monday, October 29, 2012

New Job, New City

Well.. I'm almost finally settled in here in Huntsville.

I must admit.. I basically just threw all our boxes into the guest room! But, it will do for now.

But, now comes my worst nightmare yet most exciting dream. I get to start all over and decorate my house. Some days I think it's the biggest pain.. others.. I think it's so exciting. Maybe I think it would be more exciting if I had an unlimited budget. Alas, I don't. Not even close.

So.. insert Pinterest. It really helps me gather my ideas and keep track of them. You can follow my board of new home decoration ideas here:

As a journalist, one of the hardest parts of moving is getting acclimated to a new city. Figuring out where things are, making new contacts, etc. So, as I figure out that part I must say this city is beautiful. The leaves are such rich, brilliant colors right now. The mountains are so beautiful.

Anyway.. I have a huge list of restaurants to eat at here! Feel free to add anything you think we should see or do!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Can't Leave Chattanooga Without Doing....

Ok, here's the start of the list. I'm expecting it to grow as you all give me ideas! I've done a lot of "touristy" things here but there is a ton I haven't done as well. Give me all the ideas you have!

Warning: I work the next 9 days in a row and I only have 11 here left. It's going to fly by but I'm going to make the most of it. Not sure I'll accomplish much of my list but I will try.

Here it goes:

1. Eat at Aretha Frankenstein's one last time.
2. Visit Snoopers Rock at Prentice Cooper State Park ( Thanks to @garit1 on Twitter for the recommendation)
3. Play Disc Golf at the new course in East Ridge
4. Watch the sunrise over the mountains. (Thanks to @GM533 for the tip)
5.  Go 4 wheeling in the mountains
6.  Go horseback riding in the mountains (Ok, Jonquil! We must do this now)
7. Take a trip with the Chattanooga Ducks!  (Good idea, Heather)
8. Ok, Ok people.. I'll eat a Krystal burger.
9. Take pictures of downtown, Main Street, and anywhere and everywhere else. ( I have a love for photography and want to capture the beauty of this city. Any suggestions where to go?)
10. Lunch at the Perfect Cup in Dalton one last time (The North of Heaven smoothie is AMAZING)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Embarking on a New Journey

Hey All,

I have an important announcement to make.

I am starting my final 2 weeks at WDEF today. I accepted a position in Huntsville, Alabama at WAAY as an Anchor/Reporter.

Finding the words to explain my feelings seems impossible. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here in Chattanooga and Dalton. As I look back at this incredibly journey, I've learned more than I could have ever imagined. I've met and worked with some of the most amazing people, covered some of the most fascinating stories, and grown as a person and a journalist.

Most of all, I've had the support from our viewers. The emails, Facebook messages, and Tweets have encouraged me throughout these past 2 years. I feel like I have a huge extended family now. Thank you for that.

For the past 2 years I have called Chattanooga home. I'll miss this city. I've grown very attached to everything about it. Nonetheless, it's time for a change.

I look forward to staying in touch with each and everyone of you. Always feel free to say hi!

Thank you for everything Chattanooga!