Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The day we finally said "I do"

I said I wouldn't cry. I said it would be easy. I said it would hurricane.

Yes, I, in fact, said all of these things about my wedding day. Not one of them came true.

Dress from Bella's Bridal in Birmingham
Vincent proposed on March 16, 2013. We spent the next 17 months planning our wedding. At the time of our October 04, 2014 wedding, we had been together 7 1/2 years. To me, there was nothing left to be said.. or so I thought. 

There's a lot that happened in those 17 months but I'm going to fast forward to our wedding day. I'm sure I'll get back to those other details at some point.

I woke up around 7a.m. that Saturday. My beautiful hotel room and a smile plastered on my face. And... I horrendous cough. (Lovely, right?) Then, I heard the rain hit the glass. Ugh, it was going to hurricane on my wedding day. The meteorologists kept saying it was going to end by noon. At this point, I was convinced it was all a lie and it was going to pour all day. 

Then, around 10a.m. the sunshine came out and the rain stopped. The sparkle of the ocean was back and our day was back to being perfect.

Hair and Makeup by Basic Image
All the girls were packed into my tiny suite. My best friend was there and life was perfect. (Her baby was born very early and was in NICU. I owe her so much for coming.) My bridesmaids didn't know each other prior to the wedding but this group got along so well. They're truly an amazing group of women. 

Claudia Duque from Basic Image
There's just something about getting your hair and makeup done that just makes you feel like a Princess. I remember looking in the mirror after it was done and just feeling so pretty. It was all so perfect. 

Hair and Makeup by Basic Image
Pictures were next. How was it already 3p.m.?? Time was flying by. I wanted to savor every moment but there was so much going on. 

I remember thinking, is the venue set up? Is everything going as planned? Is the cake there, is the food there? I spent 17 months planning this day and it was all out of my hands. Thankfully, it was in the hands of the world's most amazing wedding planner. Emily of Emily's Events had everything under control. 

From there, the girls and I headed out for pictures. Maybe it's just me but feeling like you're surrounded by the paparazzi is well.. different. The one thing I didn't want was to be moved around and told where to pose. Thank goodness for Robert McClory Photography and 1007 films for their expertise with that. I never once felt like I was doing something unnatural. 

I remember sitting in the room waiting for the ceremony to begin. It turned out to be the most beautiful day. The weather was AMAZING. Then, I found out the guys weren't at the venue yet. OMG I could've had a cow. But, they showed up minutes later. It's just like guys to be late, right? ;)

South Florida Museum
Next thing I know, we're lining up and I have my dad's arm and we're ready to go. WHEW... what a whirlwind of emotions. You're so overwhelmed but all that's going on that you almost forget what you're feeling. But, you pinch yourself just so you remember what it all feels like. 

Before this, I had probably cried a million times. From this point forward, you could probably double it. 

I remember reading the quotes we had for each other and just fighting to hold back tears. It was so emotional. It meant so much in that moment. I didn't want it to end. This was the day that meant forever. This was the moment that meant the world. Ladies, don't ever forget about planning your ceremony. It will be the most important part to you and your new husband. 

And just like that.. the ceremony was over. We said the "I dos," we kissed and we were officially husband and wife. 17 months of planning and it's over just like that?? Yep, that's the way it goes. 

The reception started and it was time to relax. Lets have a good time!! I remember during our first dance.. just looking out into the crowd and the beauty that was before me.

 Our friends and family just watching us dance. But, it was them and my new husband that made me the happiest girl in the world. 

My mom was the woman responsible for the gorgeous wedding. 

Truly, I planned the vendors and such and she did the details. There were so many details that if I tried to name them all I would fail. But, I made it a point to look at all of them. I took time to look at all the work she put into this day. I can't thank her enough. The pictures don't do it justice but it was perfect.

After the AMAZING reception, we walked down to the Riverwalk to release some Chinese lanterns. They didn't go as planned due to the windy conditions but it was so fun to try.

My parents also surprised us with an ice cream truck! This was the coolest thing. Everyone received a ticket at the end of the wedding and it was good for an ice cream there. It was so sweet. Perfect way to end the perfect night. 

I'm still in shock at how fast the day went. I tried my best to take it all in and embrace it but I would still go back and do it again. I wouldn't change a thing.

 Thank you to all the wonderful vendors who made our wedding fabulous.

Here's a look at our wedding video by 1007 Films

Jillian and Vince Wedding Film from 1007 Films on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Great story! Thanks for sharing and for the mention!!! You both were AMAZING to work with... but then you already knew that :)
