Sunday, November 30, 2014

10 things no one tells you about planning your own wedding

So, we've been married about 2 months and I still can't believe it. Time goes by so fast when you're having fun. 

But, there are so many things I wish someone would've told me about planning the wedding myself. I always wondered why people don't tell you these things but I guess some things you just have to learn on your own. 

10. Some ideas are better left on Pinterest. OK, Let's face it. Planning a wedding seems nearly impossible without Pinterest these days. There are SO many good ideas. So many, that you're going to want to do them all. If you do that and they're all DIY, you're not going to accomplish it all unless you have tons of help. Pick and choose what you like best.   

9. There's way more details than you can imagine. I remember thinking "I have all my vendors booked, I'm done." Ha, yeah right! Timing, stamps, wording for your ceremony and invitations, even when you think you're done, you're not. 

8. You're going to get overwhelmed. At some point, you're going to look at your to-do list and want to cry. I think I was 2 weeks out before I made a full list of all the things I had to do. Ummmm, why didn't anyone tell me to do this sooner? I had this wedding planning book with a whole list of things to do. It should come with a second list titled "All the things we forgot to tell you in list one."

7. Hire a wedding planner/coordinator. Here's the thing. I was 100% against this and just wanted to appease my mom. I figured it was a waste of money and I could do everything myself. Ok mom, yes you were right again. Of all the things we spent money on, this was the purchase that was worth every single penny and then some. I hired a day of coordinator, just to make sure everything went smooth. I really have no idea how the day would've happened without her and frankly, I don't want to think about that disaster. My mom and I were so relaxed because she took care of everything. This will be your best purchase, I promise. Thanks Emily!!

6. Delegate. From day 1 to the wedding day, don't hesitate to delegate. I was really bad at this. Thank goodness for my mom. But, she's not good at delegating either. Your friends and family are there for you, utilize them. Oh, and make sure you ask someone to keep your drink full :) Thanks brother!

5. Your wedding dress appointment(s) isn't going to be like 'Say Yes to the Dress' (most likely). I had this all in my head like it was going to be just like this tv show. I had so many emotions that I wish I could go back and do it over. Finding a wedding dress was really the first thing I did besides choosing a venue. So many thoughts are racing through your head, is this it? Why am I not crying? Does that mean it isn't it? So many brides feel this way but no one tells them it's ok to feel this way! WHY??? 

4. You have no idea what order to do things and what's more important. You find all these "checklists" online and you think it'll be so easy just to follow one. Sure, it's easy but it's not perfect. Every bride is different and every wedding is different. Make sure you add/subtract from those typical checklists. 

3. Your vendors will ask you questions you don't know how to answer. From times to small details, you're going to read these emails and be so confused. I remember going to a florist and they started asking all of these questions that I had no answers to. All I knew was I had 3 bridesmaids, 4 groomsmen and I wanted pretty centerpieces. Isn't that specific enough? Be honest with your vendors, if you don't know, tell me. Ask for their advice. Send them pictures of what you like and your budget. They'll be helpful!

2. The day will feel like the quickest dream you've ever had. EVERYONE will tell you, it will go by so fast. EVERYONE. But, you won't listen. Embrace every moment. Look at all the details. You worked too hard for this day! 

1. Don't sweat the small stuff. Your flowers aren't the exact shade of purple you wanted, the cake is hideous, you're running 30 minutes behind. Guess what?? No one will notice and you're the only person who cares. Shrug it off and have the time of your life!! You're going to run into roadblocks while planning, too. Move on. You won't even remember what your original idea was come the day of. We had our dream wedding venue back down and had to settle for something else. Guess what? It was the best thing that could've happened. Our wedding was beautiful, if not better at the new venue!  


1 comment:

  1. AWESOME as always and Jillian!!

    ... funny thing I noticed was that you advised to always look at all the details..

    ..then you said to not sweat the small stuff just

