Saturday, August 10, 2013

Our Family is Back Together

Many of you are asking.. so here it goes. The story of Basil.. 

On August 3rd, 2013-- Basil and my fiance went for a hike at the Walls of Jericho in Hytop, Alabama. At some point on the hike Basil became scared and took off. She wasn't found until 8/10/13.. 7 days later.

We went back to the Walls many times over those 7 days.. to no avail. Basil just wasn't having it. She was having too much fun in those woods.

Many times over the past week, we've received phone calls and tips about our little pup. From Birmingham to Huntsville.. we about heard it all.

On 8/7 Basil was spotted at the entrance of the Walls but took off when someone called her name. Same thing seemed to happen day after day. On Friday, I left my shirt and her KONG up there.. I figured she may like that or recognize the smell of my shirt.

Thank goodness! On Saturday, Vince and I woke up at 5:30am to head to the Walls. As we were driving up Highway 79, I passed the horse entrance to the trails. Vince kept asking me why I didn't stop but I kept driving. We pulled into the hiking entrance.. and there she was. My beautiful, little pup just sitting there on her bed (that someone nicely left for her) with my shirt and her KONG. I started crying my eyes out. It was my first time seeing her in 7 days!!!!

Of course, I get out of the car (which I parked in the middle of entrance as soon I saw her, btw) and kneel down and she trots away. Silly pup. So, we start our search. We saw her. We have hope. So Vince heads one way and I head the other. All of a sudden, I hear Vince calling my name. I run over there. He said Basil ran from him. So, we walked about 1/4 of a mile on the trail and ran into her again. I knelt down.. and she kept looking like she wasn't sure what to do.

So.. I started throwing bits of food at her and finally she decide to come and see us. It was the most amazing moment. 

I can't thank those that took time to help look for her enough. It really is truly amazing to know such animal lovers and lovely people exist. We honestly cna't thank you guys enough. It's truly a blessing we got our dog back. But, all of you really helped us keep our faith.  We never expected to meet such wonderful people on this journey. It's simply amazing and I can't emphasize that enough.

Basil is doing wonderful. We went straight to the vet. No fleas, no ticks. Just a bacterial infection on her tummy. But, she'll be GREAT!!!!!!



  1. So happy for your family!! I'm glad that it was you and Vince that found her too. Basil has been on my mind all week. I know you will rest good tonight . No worries and the family back together.
    :-) Phylls Gregory

  2. Wonderful to hear you got your baby back! Brought tears to my eyes, I would be lost without mine.
