Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding.. Work, Work, Work

Living and planning a wedding on a journalists budget. AKA not as much fun as it could be!

Obviously.. I'm on a budget. I'm not going to have the $50,000 wedding and I'm okay with that. It's not nearly what we want anyway.

The hardest part has been venue. Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama?? All of them have had such a big impact on our lives. Florida is our "home." Georgia was our first home away from home. Tennessee is where we finally were able to live and let live! And Alabama is where we got engaged. A lot of decisions. Tennessee would be nice because it's kind of in the middle of all my family. But, ultimately-- we went back to our roots.

I've known pretty much my whole life I didn't want a beach wedding. I love love love the beach and we'll probably spend 90% of our honeymoon at the beach. But, I don't know. Something about it.

So, here we are. Trying to decide some magical place that's not the beach. Clubhouse!! No way. I'm not a "fancy schmancy" type of girl. And.. I just don't see myself forking over that kind of money.

So-- now what? I finally found the most perfectly imperfect venue.

What do you think??

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