Monday, March 18, 2013

It only took 6 years....

but we are finally engaged!!!! How exciting.

The proposal:

Click here to watch it!

What an amazing night! Luckily, I have an awesome producer that I trust more than anything. About 10 seconds before coming back from break she tells me we have breaking news and a co-worker is on the other line. She has an intro into prompter and just to read it. Of course, I freak out. Dana! I can't run prompter from this shot.. I need to read it first. Yep, no time and Dana has control of my prompter and now I have to cold read. Luckily, it turns out for the best. I, of course, said yes! Our families were watching from home thanks to Slingbox and witnessed the magic. Vince says there is so much more to this story... but no need to get into it. I'm so glad our families got to be a part of this special day. They probably wouldn't have if I wasn't on tv. I'm so very blessed.

I'm not one for making it all about me, hence why I'm a journalist. But, I am so happy!

Thank you all for your well wishes! We can't wait to share this journey with you!

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