Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Harder than I thought

So, we've been engaged about a week. Still no date set in stone. Still no venue set in stone. We have an idea on date but no clue on venue.

I never knew how hard it is to pick a venue. Everything has something great about it. Some things are pricey but include everything (I'm all for no work) and others include nothing.

It's quite overwhelming. We have NO idea what state we even want to do this in. Vince would prefer Florida.. Me, I'm kind of open. I've been dreaming of this day my whole life.

Most people in Florida want to get married on the beach. Not me! Unfortunately, it would probably be cheaper if I did. I just want something quiet and peaceful. Near a lake or river. Is that so hard to find?

Apparently, it is. I am on page two of places I like. And the journey continues..

Other than that-- is it spring yet? These snow flurries need to disappear!

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