Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Harder than I thought

So, we've been engaged about a week. Still no date set in stone. Still no venue set in stone. We have an idea on date but no clue on venue.

I never knew how hard it is to pick a venue. Everything has something great about it. Some things are pricey but include everything (I'm all for no work) and others include nothing.

It's quite overwhelming. We have NO idea what state we even want to do this in. Vince would prefer Florida.. Me, I'm kind of open. I've been dreaming of this day my whole life.

Most people in Florida want to get married on the beach. Not me! Unfortunately, it would probably be cheaper if I did. I just want something quiet and peaceful. Near a lake or river. Is that so hard to find?

Apparently, it is. I am on page two of places I like. And the journey continues..

Other than that-- is it spring yet? These snow flurries need to disappear!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My notebook's never been about me

First and foremost, I just would like to say thank you. All the congratulations have been overwhelming. We've heard from people across the world and couldn't be more thankful for each and every one. I've done my best to personally respond to each tweet, Facebook message, and email. If I missed you, please take this as your personal thank you!

I'm a journalist. I'd like to think a good one, but who am I? I've preached and preached about how the news isn't about me. A story isn't about me. It's about the child suffering from an incurable disease, the family struggling to make ends me, the mother of a murder victim, etc.  This time.. the story is me.. and my now fiance.

I'm not going to lie, I have no idea how to handle it. Being interviewed my Jeanne Moos was amazing.. but at the end of the day.. I'm usually on the other side of this. I'm the interviewer, not the interviewee. The radio interviews, the Skype interviews have all been so much fun. But, at the end of the day.. I'm just a small town girl who is now engaged. Case closed. Sure- it was on live TV. Yes, our parents got to partake in the day and watch the magical moment from Florida. (Most exciting part to me.)

Going viral was never the point. TV has been a huge part of our relationship. The ups, the downs, the struggles. Dating a TV journalist is not easy. I often get home late, work crazy hours, and know every thing that's going on in the world. I'm glued to my phone, email, Twitter, Facebook just to see what's new. I told Vince from the beginning, my career comes first. This is MY DREAM!! I'm so glad I met such an amazing man. It's not easy putting up with me, I promise you this. While I consider myself an easy-going person.. it's not always true. I'm working even when I'm not. I made the decision to move far away from our Florida lives to Dalton, Georgia. I told Vince he didn't have to go, but he chose to. He chose to take this journey with me. Honestly, that's the best part. I never asked. He did it because he loves me and knew how important this journey was.

Do I think it's neat we ended up on National Television, the headline on Yahoo and MSN, International Radio? Sure.

But, it's not the point.

We're just two everyday people living our lives the best we know how.

I think it's important to let viewers into my life. That's why I created a Facebook and Twitter page.. to seem more "human," if you will. I can't tell you how many times I've been told, you're so much prettier in person or you're so cute, so on and so forth. I hope viewers want to know more about their anchors, reporters, and journalist. Especially in a small town like Huntsville. We're all family and we're all in this together. Don't hesitate to say hi or anything. I promise you.. I'll say hi back!

But-- as I head back to work from a nice weekend.. I realize... there's always a critic. There's always someone you can't please. I'm okay with that. Where would we be without critics? Where would we be without people challenging our everyday moves?

Thank you all again for your sweet words and encouragement.

Here's to planning a wedding!

And thank you for taking part in such a special day.. We'll never forget it.

Monday, March 18, 2013

It only took 6 years....

but we are finally engaged!!!! How exciting.

The proposal:

Click here to watch it!

What an amazing night! Luckily, I have an awesome producer that I trust more than anything. About 10 seconds before coming back from break she tells me we have breaking news and a co-worker is on the other line. She has an intro into prompter and just to read it. Of course, I freak out. Dana! I can't run prompter from this shot.. I need to read it first. Yep, no time and Dana has control of my prompter and now I have to cold read. Luckily, it turns out for the best. I, of course, said yes! Our families were watching from home thanks to Slingbox and witnessed the magic. Vince says there is so much more to this story... but no need to get into it. I'm so glad our families got to be a part of this special day. They probably wouldn't have if I wasn't on tv. I'm so very blessed.

I'm not one for making it all about me, hence why I'm a journalist. But, I am so happy!

Thank you all for your well wishes! We can't wait to share this journey with you!