Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cute Clothes; Not a Fashionista

I'm not a fashionista by any means. I love clothes. I have 2 closets full.. yes, really. I'm not into "what's in." I really couldn't even tell you what the "cool" things to wear are. I know what I like and I wear it... For the most part. I know (I do watch What Not to Wear) I have to wear things that flatter my body style. Sometimes.. those outfits aren't so flattering on tv. Believe it or not.. some outfits look awful on camera.

I shop cheap! I can't afford designer names so I find myself frequenting Kohl's with their 20% off coupons and Kohl's Cash. I love TJ Maxx and Marshall's. I rarely go to the mall but I bargain shop when I do. I hit every sale rack imaginable and sometimes I come across some great deals.

Fashion has never been my claim to fame. What fame anyway? But, I do try to look professional. Recently, a website I visit started a highly controversial conversation on a  fashion trend in the news world: The Sleeveless News Reporter. And the world stops for just a moment at the thought. All kidding aside.. It's a debatable topic and there are tons of opinions. Do you have tone arms? What kind of story is it? Are you reporting inside or outside? I mean we could honestly debate this fashion trend for hours. I've been under the notion.. If it's serious put that jacket on it. If you're outside, it's hot and you have a fun story then without the jacket is okay. Always wear sleeves in the studio. But, according to a popular TV Agent-- sleeveless are a no, no. The situation doesn't mater. I follow him on Twitter (@TV_Agent) for all of you wondering. He's a successful agent and I do respect his opinion. Hence, why I wore a jacket at my live shot yesterday despite sweating my booty off!

So viewers.. I want to know! What do you think? Sleeveless or sleeves? Does fashion play a role when you watch the news?

Here's an example from yesterday:

(Ignore the red eyes and shiny face. I fixed the shiny face before the live shot and well.. I just don't feel like messing with photoshop.) My Mom and I found this wonderful, versatile black dress at Kohl's for under 10 bucks.. Right mom? She's my fashionista and never hesitates to tell me what looks good and bad.. which I totally appreciate. But, I added a brown belt (Yes, I love black and brown and I don't care if it doesn't "go") and was good to go.

Feedback is much appreciated! This is a highly debated topic in the news field amongst reporters, TV Agents, News Directors, and everyone else. I'd love to know what the viewers think!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Little Fun Behind the Scenes

You're right! That link I posted probably isn't news, it's fun. I understand most of you head to my personal Facebook page or the WDEF Facebook page for news, but please understand that we are humans and enjoy a good story every once and while. News is our lives so when we see a cute/interesting story we want to share.. Yes, whether it's "newsworthy" or not. I guess my biggest concern with this is how often I hear "What happened to the good news?" You want good news.. but we post it on a social media site and we receive such negative complaints. I don't understand.

Enough of my rant and on to my personal opinion.

I love news. I've been out sick for 2 days now and I can't help but watch the competition. I want to know what they're doing and why they're doing it... Something I normally don't get to do unless I DVR their shows. They do things I like and things I don't like but I'm not here to get into specifics. Watching other stations helps me grow as a journalist, who can I learn from. Who's your favorite reporter/anchor here and why? What do you like about them?

I respect the journalists who can tell a good story and be real. We're all humans. There's good and bad and sometimes we need to take a break from the bad. I'm not really "into" politics so to speak but I enjoy election night coverage.. for the most part. But during the Catoosa County runoff.. the competition and I ran into the cast of Small Town Security. I've had the pleasure of meeting them before.. but there's nothing like hanging out with them in person. I really don't care if you like the show or not.. they're good people. And here's where my "opinion" was going..

I love to have fun out in the field. I believe you can do your job and still be you no matter what. Yes, it's harder in my field but you know what.. that's life. If you see me out.. say hi. Feel free to email me, Facebook me, whatever. I'm just like you!

I'll end this sick post with a picture! Sorry if none of this made sense!