Wednesday, July 16, 2014

We're less than 90 days away

Wow. I can't believe we are in the home stretch. Feels like just yesterday we were stepping up to bat. It's been a journey but I can't wait for the day to get here. 

I've learned so much in the past few weeks. 

Wedding planning isn't rainbows and butterflies. 
Shocker, huh? I always dreamed this process was so much fun. And it is. But, I'm not going to take away from the reality that it's work. Hard work. There's so many decisions that you have to make and you're on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Why didn't I know this? Why don't people tell you these things? 

People will try to add their 2 cents whether you like it or not. Be flexible but stick to your guns. 

Don't be offended by what people say. It's hard, your family and friends have opinions but you have to understand they're just trying to help. Even if it's unwanted. 

I may say don't be offended but you may get hurt or you may hurt someone. Seems like everyone's emotions are high (or low) when it's wedding time. People may not do things you thought they were going to or they may even back out of the wedding all together. It sucks. These are people you love and look forward to being there and helping out. It happens. 

Just remember... And I've had to tell myself this a thousand times... This day is about you and your fiancĂ©. It's about the commitment and love that you share. 

People will try to make it about them or blame things on you because you're the one planning it. Something you do may cause them not to come or it may be too expensive. They may tell you all of this within the last 4 months of planning and by this point, what's done, is done. 

Nothing is perfect... But, as long as you have the one you're going to spend the rest of you life with, it doesn't matter. In that moment, that one moment you say "I do," nothing else will matter. 

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