Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Pinterest obsessed? Organize your pins

Are you Pinterest obsessed like me?

I seem to spend at least 30 minutes of my life a day seeing what's popular or what's new on the Wedding feed. Here's my problem:

I have your basic boards. Food, weddings, exercise.. on and on. But, I NEVER go back and look at what I pinned. It's like I pin things and they go away into an abyss. LOL. Ok, not really but you get my point. Truthfully, the only pins I probably ever look at are food ones. Mainly because I'm always looking for something new and tempting to cook. 

So, today.. I am setting out on a really big journey. ORGANIZATION. I'm not a real organized person in general. I'm not messy. I mean I know where EVERYTHING is.. but by far it's not neat and no one else could ever find what I'm looking for. 

I figure, I spend so much on this silly website pinning my life away, I probably should organize it. I mean, I am planning a wedding nearly based on Pinterest. 

So, I'll have a "ceremony" board, "hair do," and so on and so forth. 

I'm doing that tonight.. it will take me days and possibly hours but it's worth a start! You should do the same. I've found a lot of pins that I really forgot about. 


  1. I just went through my 'Recipe' board and made 2 new boards from it, 'booze' and 'sweets'. It helps when you're trying to find find what you're looking for faster, and also not to get distracted by all the cupcakes when you're looking for a chicken recipe! The other food board I've had for a while that is helpful is 'food I've made, and would eat again'.

    Hope your organizing went well :)

    1. It's so helpful. I never look back at my pins and I'm hoping this will help. Because.. lets face it. There's a ton of cool things on Pinterest
