Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday... The Commercial

Ok... The lights went out, San Fran attempted to make a comeback, and then... The Ravens won, players and fans cried, one Harbaugh won, the other lost... But then there's the commercials.

Honestly, if the lights didn't go out I don't think this Super Bowl would have been talked about very long.

But-- the commercials are always talked about... For weeks. And yes, the media drags it on forever and forever. Just to make million dollar making companies money?? Yep... That's it. Note my sarcasm please.

Anyways... I keep hearing people say how controversial the Go Daddy commercial is. Why? Because a beautiful model makes out with a man that's not... Brad Pitt?? Please.. Give me a break.

I don't find the commercial offensive. I find the fact that the media keeps referring to this poor man as a dork or nerd because of the way he looks. That's what bothers me. Can we stop referring to people in such a negative manner?

Children are committing suicide because other people are calling them dorks or needs. This behavior must stop.

Nothing breaks my heart more than a child committing suicide because of hurtful words. And... That's exactly what's happening here and local media is condoning it.

Maybe this commercial should show us that people are just people. Hot or not, blonde or brunette... Your Prince Charming isn't always who you imagined and I'm sure neither is the Princess you save in the castle. Lets just get over that, k?