Monday, February 11, 2013

Sometimes you change your mind

So.. I was going to post about how I'm changing my life. Cooking dinner, budgeting, and the like.. (BORING!!!) That's when I realized, it's not about me. I became a journalist to make a difference. What difference would I like to make you might ask? Frankly, I'm not sure. I've just always known I want to do something that changes one mind, one heart. I was told once but a great journalist, don't put yourself in the story.. just tell it. Because after all.. the news isn't about me. It's about you and the stories you want to hear.

With that said, I'm not about to write about myself. I'm writing about a little girl named Ava, a girl I've never met. Last week, I had the pleasure of telling her story.

Here's the video: Yes, I know. Not the best live shot.. but just watch the story.

Ava and her family touched my heart. Their friends are amazing, the only people I've met so far telling this story.

Isn't Ava just cutest thing?

Ava has a rare type of Leukemia. She turns 3 this week. It makes me sad she doesn't get to live the life of a 3 year old, but there's something about it. Her spirit just makes you forget everything back that is happening in your life and stay positive. I've met a lot of people suffering illnesses, most have this about them.

Ava gets rounds of chemo at home and travels to Birmingham every 4 weeks for a different type of chemo. I'm sure days get rough.

She's inspired me to be a happier, more positive person.

Decatur is now "going red." It's called Paint the Town Red for Ava. How can you resist?

I know my story won't cure this little girl but I hope it inspires and makes a different in someone's life, just like it did mine.

Amazing how someone you've never even met.. can make a such a positive difference in your life.

More people in my life last year were affected(effected? I hate these words) by cancer than any year. Cancer took my grandmother from this world. By all means, cancer sucks. There's no ifs, ands, or buts, about it. (Ha, I sound like my father.) But, it changes you. For the good, the bad, the positive, or the negative. But, I see the way it makes people appreciate life, those who survive, those it affects. (again, not sure which version) I wish I never had to report on anyone who has a deadly disease, but I do. Maybe one day.. we'll find a preventative measure.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.  ~Winston Churchill

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Sunday... The Commercial

Ok... The lights went out, San Fran attempted to make a comeback, and then... The Ravens won, players and fans cried, one Harbaugh won, the other lost... But then there's the commercials.

Honestly, if the lights didn't go out I don't think this Super Bowl would have been talked about very long.

But-- the commercials are always talked about... For weeks. And yes, the media drags it on forever and forever. Just to make million dollar making companies money?? Yep... That's it. Note my sarcasm please.

Anyways... I keep hearing people say how controversial the Go Daddy commercial is. Why? Because a beautiful model makes out with a man that's not... Brad Pitt?? Please.. Give me a break.

I don't find the commercial offensive. I find the fact that the media keeps referring to this poor man as a dork or nerd because of the way he looks. That's what bothers me. Can we stop referring to people in such a negative manner?

Children are committing suicide because other people are calling them dorks or needs. This behavior must stop.

Nothing breaks my heart more than a child committing suicide because of hurtful words. And... That's exactly what's happening here and local media is condoning it.

Maybe this commercial should show us that people are just people. Hot or not, blonde or brunette... Your Prince Charming isn't always who you imagined and I'm sure neither is the Princess you save in the castle. Lets just get over that, k?