Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why I Do What I Do?

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this question. Let me take you back and give you a little history.

I was a 3rd grader when I was asked if I wanted to help with the Morning Announcements for our school. Of course, I agreed. Starting in 4th or 5th grade I helped anchor the morning announcements. This proceeded through 8th grade. Of course, I was made fun of and teased. But, I enjoyed what I did.

Then came one of those life changing decisions of my life. All through 8th grade I went to school with the same people. The school I was zoned for didn't have a TV production program and I was certain that's what I wanted to do. Keep in mind, we barely had Myspace at this point to keep in touch with friends, let alone Facebook. As a teen I made the choice to go to a school that had a TV production program. I had no friends, I think I knew 2 people in the entire school. My first semester wasn't the best. But, it was the best decision I ever made. I made new friends and learned more in that TV production class than I probably did in college. I anchored and produced our morning announcements (UPC-TV-- google it.. I dare you. You'll find some super old videos of me. Maybe I'll post one.) I'm not ashamed to say I was awful at it. But, it did make me realize.. to go after your dreams. In this class, we produced, shot, edited, ran teleprompter, camera, tape decks (what's a tape?), switcher and whatever else you can think of. Man.. going back.. this was amazing real life experience for me. I was able shadow some anchors at the Tampa ABC affiliate ( I even appeared on air.) I spent a day at the Home Shopping Network. I learned more in those 4 years of high school than many learn in their entire broadcasting career. (If you're reading this.. Thanks Z. You're so appreciated it.)

Next step, College. I won't get into the nitty gritty of my college career-- because well.. who really wants to hear about that? I wasn't allowed to take Broadcast Journalism classes until my Junior year. Hey UCF, please change that. Anyway, the classes were mostly monotonous for me. It like a repeat of all 4 years of high school. LAME. I probably enjoyed 3 or 4 classes the most and they were all taught by the same teacher. (What's up Ms. O?) Let me tell you-- This lady is amazing. She knows her news that's for sure. The one class was an ethics in journalism type class.. I know most of you are laughing at that. I'll ignore. But, she really was passionate about news and I learned a lot from her. Then, the rest were hands of journalism classes.

The last class I took was called Knightly News (Our mascot is a Knight.). We actually produced, wrote, edit, and anchored our stories and newscasts. AMAZING experience. I wish it was more than one class. It truly was awesome. So much goes into a newscast and we, as a team, accomplished so much every week. Not only did we have a great teacher.. we had a great group of people in that class. Seriously.. great people.

Anyway.. the original thought of this blog. Why am I in this business? I live for it. It's my passion and my dream. I'm living it. It may not be what I thought at all times. I may hate it some days. But, my job is real. I tell stories that people can't tell themselves, stories that matter. I meet people every day. Some days people slam a door in my face or hang up the phone on me.. or just plain don't answer my phone calls. But there are questions out there that need answered. This job isn't about being on TV.. that's a perk. It's about finding stories that need told-- getting out in the community. Sure, some days are harder than others. Sure, I'm criticized for the outfit I'm wearing or because I'm blonde. But, if people really look.. inside almost every journalist.. you'll find a person who cares. Inside and outside this business, I have a big heart. I love with all I have and I probably care too much. In some senses, that can hurt me as a journalist. But, it's true and I have nothing to hide.

Yes, I surround myself with crime and murder. That's just the nature of the business. But, who else is going to tell you that someone was murdered next door? Rumors spread quickly, especially here in the South. But, I don't report rumors.. that's not my job. Don't you want to know what officials are doing to find  the suspected killer? Questions like this need answers and I want to find them. When that adrenaline rushes through you when breaking news hits.. there's nothing like it. That's how you know this business is right for you. This business doesn't work for everyone and sometimes those who love it leave. There's a reason for it, but I am not going to get into that here.

I know people think I'm crazy for moving hundreds of miles from home to do this. I've lost friends to do it. (I'm awful at keeping in touch!) I miss birthdays, father's days, mother's days, Christmas's, and Thanksgivings, and countless other family gatherings.  But, it's a passion. What more can I say?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I live my life telling stories in a minute thirty or less. I tell people I'm a little educated on a lot of subjects. I lug around a big camera, tripod, and microphone. People look at me like I'm crazy. They tell me they have no comment, they don't want to be on tv. This is my life, I'm a journalist.

My names Jillian.. the rundown refers to me as JP. Whatever you do, don't call me Jill. I'll answer to about anything else. Aside from my life in news, I enjoy hockey, spending time with my family, friends, and boyfriend. I love to spend time outdoors. I'm always down for new things and learning a new city.

But, for the most part I spend my time inside the studios of WDEF News 12 in Chattanooga, TN. I'm hundreds of miles from "home." If I had a dime for every time I say I'm from Florida and people respond with "what are you doing here?" I'd be rich. But, I'm a journalist and I'm not rich. I do my own makeup, straighten my own hair, and for the most part, shoot, edit, write, my own stories.

Through this blog, I'll share some of my own personal stories. The good, the bad, the ugly. Stay tuned!