Monday, July 27, 2015

To new adventures

After 3 years in Huntsville, it's time for me to say goodbye! This is such a bittersweet moment. 

My time at WAAY has been an adventure, full of surprises and challenges. I've met some amazing people who helped steer my career in the right direction and lifelong friends. 

I just want to say thank you to all of you for supporting and encouraging me. Many of you I've gotten to know on a personal level and it's nice to call you a friend! 

But, alas, I must say goodbye. My last day on air will be this Friday, July 31st. 3 months ago my husband was transferred and it's time for me to join him. It's an exciting time as we're moving back "home." We've been gone for 5 years and we are incredibly excited to be closer to our families. We'll be living in Clearwater, Florida. 

Thank you for all your support and love, again. It makes my day reading all of your messages and emails. Thanks for making the Tennessee Valley feel like home!!