Thursday, September 11, 2014

23 Days to Go!!

I look at my calendar and I'm just in shock that we are this close to our wedding day. Where did time go?

My feelings: overwhelmed, busy, excited. There's too many emotions to keep track of, honestly. I feel like I'm being torn in a million different directions.

Floor plans, scheduling, music.. when does it end? Ok, truth is, it doesn't. There's so much to do and no time to do it in. How am I supposed to sleep, work, workout, have a life and plan this wedding? I, seriously, understand why people pay tons of money for a wedding planner.

Thank goodness for my Day of Coordinator. She's been amazing so far and I know she's going to take care of everything on our day.

I want to talk about the budget. I think Vince would say what budget? Yeah, ok.. so I didn't plan everything as well as I thought I did. There's so many little things that I didn't think of. Tipping, hotel rooms.. How did I not think to put this in my budget? I think that's probably stressing Vince out a tad. Whoops. Sorry love!

Here's my advice. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. Yes, it's overwhelming. But, keep adding things to your budget. It's not just the big things like venue, caterer and flowers. It's the little things that are going to screw up your budget.

Find time for yourself. This weekend we went to a wedding in Florida to see our friends get married! We had a blast and it was well needed. Did we have the money for it? Maybe. We made it work. But, truth be told, we needed it. We needed a break from reality and wedding planning to have a little fun. Don't let your budget hold you back from living. You'll find money from somewhere and it'll be just fine in the end. 

Enjoy it :)