Saturday, July 14, 2012

It's a Rainy Weekend in Chattanooga

Sigh.. I love thunderstorms but hate the rain. It's been nothing but cloudy and rainy today.. and no sign on thunder. Makes for a lazy day. I'm obsessed with the sun so I'm pretty disappointed I can't go lay out at the pool on my day off.

Besides cleaning and laundry.. I'm finding myself on the couch--- being lazy. Granted we really need the rain. I would just prefer it not to be on the weekends :)

So, with that said, I thought I would update with a week in review.

It's been a pretty good week. I've covered some interesting stories.. but one sticks out in my mind.

I consider myself pretty knowledgeable on a lot of subjects. From sports to local politics, I think I know a good deal of info. Friday, I found myself learning about something.. well, I could do without knowing. Bed Bugs. EEEKKKK!

For the second time in about 7 months a motel in East Ridge, TN has bed bugs. Okay, we've all heard the phrase-- "don't let the bed bugs bite" but how many of us really know what they are?

I'll be honest, I knew the bare minimum. So I took to the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department to find out more. Trust me, I learned more than I wanted to. These blood sucking creatures are absolutely disgusting. They can live for a year without a "feeding." A year?!?!?!? They can hide inside little crevices and walls for a whole years without dying? GROSS!!

But, here I am learning all about these things on a Friday night and I become kind of sad. Some viewers on Facebook are asking why is this newsworthy? Well, wouldn't you want to know if some place you were staying was infested with blood sucking insects? I know I would. I really became sad because people are living in these conditions. Some of the rooms at the motel are monthly and weekly rentals. Do these people feel like they no where else to go? Do they know they are there? Are they okay with it? Have complaints been made prior?

All of these are questions I may never get the answers to but it makes me sad. I grew up with great parents and a great family that would never let me live in conditions like that. I am very blessed and I may take that for granted at times.

I try really hard not to let strong emotions get involved when I'm reporting. But, sometimes it's inevitable. I feel every person has the chance and ability to succeed in life. Living in deplorable conditions like this makes me wonder if these people feel the same way too? Do they think they can succeed or deserve to live like this?

News isn't always happy. I wish it was. But, before you judge a story by it's name-- I hope you look a little deeper. Have an open mind and a big heart. Not everyone is as blessed as you are.